I have been renovating my apartment since January and failing my reading goals because of that. To help a bit, I have grabbed every poetry book I could […]

The Expanse by James S.A. Corey
I remember the time I bought the first book in the Expanse series. It was in Tartu, in Tasku Center Rahva Raamat. I was looking for a sci-fi book series. I had done my research and all signs pointed to The Expanse. …

The Sellout by Paul Beatty
I read this book a while ago, in three days. Loved it. Wanted to write something deep, or at least coherent about it. But well, it is not happening. So, just a few words …

City Lights Pocket Poets
I had an unconventional, but definitely not unique way to City Lights poetry books – through Rory Gilmore. Or, let’s be honest, though Jess Mariano, who picked the […]

A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
Okay, so this was something. From the description: “In a breathtaking array of styles and tones ranging from tragedy to satire to PowerPoint, Egan captures the undertow of […]

Educated by Tara Westover
I am always late to reading the super popular books because my to-read list is just too long and it is way easier to find classics in second-hand […]

There There by Tommy Orange
My mom loves Native Americans. She read all the books with them that were available in Soviet Estonia in the 80s. The Last of the Mohicans was, and […]

‘There but for the’ by Ali Smith
Beautifully weird … or weirdly beautiful. Not quite sure, but either way, I loved this book. The back cover says: ‘There once was a man who, one night […]

Cage of Souls by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Sometimes life is just chaotic and exhausting and gets you stuck in a reading slump. There I was some time ago with a mountain of started books by […]

The Secret Life of Books by Tom Mole
Throughout the book, Mole kept repeating that we don’t see books as an object on itself. That we just see the text it contains. Advising in the first […]

Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer
This (very illuminated) book confused the shit out of me… 😐 I found it in a second-hand store and bought it knowing, that it was on my to-read […]

Another two sci-fi books: Woman on the Edge of Time & An Unkindness of Ghosts
Two sci-fi novels by two women, written 40 years apart, with female protagonists. Two topics – slavery and feminism – explored through space and time travel. I think […]

Top Ten: The Best Books According to 125 Writers
I love lists. I mean not as much as Rob Gordon or Amy Santiago, but still. So I was happy to find a book called The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books in a second-hand store in my hometown.

Two sci-fi books: Project Hail Mary + Sleeping Giants
I love sci-fi. Be it movies, TV shows or books. Some crazy imagination paired with real science just hits the right spots for me. So it is a […]

Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak
I read Bridge of Clay last Christmas. It was my last book for 2021 (I still have 2 and a half books planned for this year) and so, […]

About fast fashion books. A rant in three parts.
Part 1: Heartbroken Environmentalist Some time ago I started to delve into the world of books on Instagram, where I see so many people happily posting the stacks […]

The Star Wars book universe
I love Star Wars. Or to be precise, I like the original trilogy, I don’t care much for the prequels and the new ones are too much of […]