This book was absolutely f*cking fantastic! And I loudly join the choir of people preaching the gospel of Lucia Berlin.

City Lights Pocket Poets
I had an unconventional, but definitely not unique way to City Lights poetry books – through Rory Gilmore. Or, let’s be honest, though Jess Mariano, who picked the […]

Top Ten: The Best Books According to 125 Writers
I love lists. I mean not as much as Rob Gordon or Amy Santiago, but still. So I was happy to find a book called The Top Ten: Writers Pick Their Favorite Books in a second-hand store in my hometown.

A bit about Allen Ginsberg
I like the beatniks. It started, like for a lot of people, with Jack Kerouac’s On the Road and from there I dived into William S. Burroughs Junky. […]

William Gibson, the godfather of Cyberspace
Borrowing from Wikipedia: William Ford Gibson (born March 17, 1948) is an American-Canadian speculative fiction writer and essayist widely credited with pioneering the science fiction subgenre known as […]