Some time ago I stumbled upon a book called Top Ten: The Best Books According to 125 Writers. As the name suggests, it listed the top 10 books of 125 authors and from that created the ultimate top 10 list. I thought it would be good reading inspiration, mostly for classics. And so in September, I started from the top – with Anna Karenina and from there to Madame Bovary.

Middlemarch by George Eliot
Somewhere in the back of my head I always have the wish to read more of the classics. But I rarely get around to doing it, with all the contemporary books waiting on my to-read list. But in April I finally took on the nearly 800-page challenge of Middlemarch.

Tropic of Cancer by Henry Miller
I must say I do enjoy books by/about creepy old men being, well, creepy and depressing or weird or drunk or fantasizing about too young girls… or all […]