The Historian


by Elizabeth Kostova

For centuries, the story of Dracula has captured the imagination of readers and storytellers alike. Kostova’s breathtaking first novel, ten years in the writing, is an accomplished retelling of this ancient tale.


“The story that follows is one I never intended to commit to paper… As an historian, I have learned that, in fact, not everyone who reaches back into history can survive it.” With these words, a nameless narrator unfolds a story that began 30 years earlier.

Late one night in 1972, as a 16-year-old girl, she discovers a mysterious book and a sheaf of letters in her father’s library—a discovery that will have dreadful and far-reaching consequences, and will send her on a journey of mind-boggling danger. While seeking clues to the secrets of her father’s past and her mother’s puzzling disappearance, she follows a trail from London to Istanbul to Budapest and beyond, and learns that the letters in her possession provide a link to one of the world’s darkest and most intoxicating figures. Generation after generation, the legend of Dracula has enticed and eluded both historians and opportunists alike. Now a young girl undertakes the same search that ended in the death and defilement of so many others—in an attempt to save her father from an unspeakable fate.

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Book Condition

Used – Like New




704 pages


2005 by Time Warner Books


Fiction, Fantasy, Historical, Historical Fiction, Mystery


International Horror Guild Award Nominee for Best Novel (2005),
Hopwood Award for Novel in-progress (2003),
Book Sense Book of the Year Award for Best Adult Fiction (2006),
The Quill Award for Debut Author of the Year (2005),
Lord Ruthven Award for Fiction (2006)